Cambodia (2006)
On the way to the orphanage in remote Cambodia, we went through the countryside and saw many signs that said there were still mines active in the ground. Despite this precarious situation we continued on and were able to get there safely with the help of our tour guide. We brought 4 big cardboard boxes of school supplies, stuffed animals and donations; we then dispensed those supplies to school children and poor kids at three different places in Cambodia : the school floating on Tonle Sap Lake, the craft orphanage which is located between Bakong and Preahko and the countryside villages at Rolous Group.
The most difficult part of traveling to orphanages overseas is the language barrier; we need to hire a local tour guide or find assistance from local college students who serve as volunteers. We also have to fight jet lag and eat right to ensure that we don't get sick.
At the orphanages, the children are a little timid initially not knowing what these strangers are here for, but soon they play with us, sing simple songs in English, dance, and engage in arts & crafts.
Compared to the children living in orphanages, the living conditions in the rural areas are even worse and the children there poorer. They look happy, however, while walking and running around in bare foot and without much clothing. The real issue is persistent hunger and diseases.
We were told that our members would make some muffins or cookies at the kitchen in hotels and bring them to the children. While we are not members of the Doctors without Borders, who can provide medical care, we simply pass out towels and soaps and teach the children good hygiene, as fresh water is scarce in many parts of the Third World.